
Through My Eyes: Bead for life

"Would you like to come to a jewelry party?" my friend Tish Ivey asked me one day after church. I have been to those before and ended up spending way too much for trinkets I didn’t need. "Ah, but this jewelry is different and when you learn how it is made, you will be happy for the opportunity to purchase it," she said.
Bead for Life is a nonprofit organization with the purpose of aiding Ugandan women living in extreme poverty. Some are victims of the HIV epidemic in their country. Others have survived the ravages of an internal war.High quality replica authentics of well known brands . They face a daily struggle to feed themselves and their families.Buy wholesale new swissetareplicawatches-blog products on TradeTang. One of the few jobs available is that of pounding rocks in a quarry earning less than one dollar for a day’s work in the broiling sun. Some visitors from our country saw a native woman making beads from discarded newspapers and other paper products.
She cut and rolled the paper into beads and strung them together to make bracelets, necklaces and earrings. The Americans saw a potential for a money-making plan for the poor women. The variety of colors and configurations would surely be appealing on the American market and two coats of sealant would protect the finished products from water damage.
The brave and resourceful women of Uganda have turned this opportunity from Bead for Life into income for food, medicine, homes, schools and hope. Bead for Life pays the beaders fair trade wages or above for their work.With all of the guccicaps sales rampant, All net proceeds from the sales are re-invested in programs that fight human need in Uganda and around the world.
Another aspect of the mission is a course of study teaching adult students how to conduct business. Some have turned this knowledge into successful businesses of their own such as a restaurant or construction enterprise. As a teacher, I applaud this method of giving the ability to broaden your prospects through knowledge.leatherhandbags fittedcaps newyorkyankees ladodgers buffalonewyork.
A tree grows in Uganda that produces a product sought around the world for lotions and creams. It is called shea or shea butter and it enriches those products making them an effective deterrent to dry skin. One shea tree can give many of the shea nuts to be shelled and squeezed for the liquid which becomes an active ingredient in soap, lotion,Welcome to monclerouterwear In Nyc on Facebook. and lip balm. After attractive packaging, these items are sold alongside the jewelry.
Quite often I am asked to contribute to charities and mission efforts in our country and abroad. If I gave to all, it would be a big strain on my budget. I wholeheartedly applaud the Bead for Life organization that has found a way to help those in need and to give those contributing something to enjoy in return. I thank Tish Ivey for bringing it to our attention.
If you would like to learn more about this outstanding charitable work, go to their website www.BeadforLife.org.
Thanks for reading.

